Conservation Incentives

We take the delicate balance that ecological processes and their services hold for granted despite using them for our day-to-day needs. While the processes are interdependent, there is just as much human dependence on them especially in a heavily populated area like the Western Ghats. Thus the line between that of usage and respecting the natural existence of forests thus blur away. After all, who are the rightful inheritors of the goodness that the forests hold and how much of it may be equated with money alone? This short film explores the efforts of conservationists in lieu of making an efficient and profitable partnership between immediate human habitation vs forest produce so as to give enough margin for development even as forests are not compromised upon. Each of these indicatives scaled up and reached their true potential with the thoughtful funding that CEPF-ATREE granted. More about the projects – The Keystone foundation is working toward establishing Payment for Ecosystem Foundation in Nilgiri Biosphere. This enables a transparent system for provision of environmental services through conditional payments to voluntary providers. The Applied Environment Research Foundation is working toward making pilot projects that have enabled agreements that incentivize conservation for private land owners in Maharashtra. Foundation for Ecological Research, Advocacy and Learning is working toward is working towards restoring ecological connectivity in the Shencottah Gap,Southern Western Ghats.